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🇨🇦‼️EE pool : technical aspect 🇨🇦‼️ How does the composition of the Express Entry candidate pool influence score cut-offs and draw sizes? While it can be difficult to understand how the make-up of the Express Entry pool impacts Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score cut-offs and draw sizes, there are a few basic trends that can be observed. 💙Distribution of scores and CRS cut-offs The distribution of current scores within the Express Entry pool is one of the factors that may have an impact on the CRS score cut-offs of upcoming draws CRS scores within the pool may help IRCC decide both what the next appropriate cut-off score is for qualified candidates, and how large each draw should be. While there may be other factors in the decision-making process here (for example, labor market needs or special immigration policy), CRS distribution within the pool may prove to be a contributing factor even in these instances, as it is a key indication of how well-adapted immigration candidates are within the pool. 💛Category-based draws also impact this distribution In addition to standard, CRS score-based draws,(IRCC) conducts category-based draws for Express Entry candidates These draws specifically target individuals with certain professional experience, or language ability (instead of CRS scores), to meet labor market and demographic needs in Canada. While these draws look beyond CRS scores, they still impact the distribution of scores in the Express Entry pool when they invite candidates. Thus, paying attention to these draws in analysis may prove useful. #EE #expressentry (C) CIC
🇨🇦‼️EE pool : technical aspect 🇨🇦‼️ How does the composition of the Express Entry candidate pool influence score cut-offs and draw sizes? While it can be difficult to understand how the make-up of the Express Entry pool impacts Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score cut-offs and draw sizes, there are a few basic trends that can be observed. 💙Distribution of scores and CRS cut-offs The distribution of current scores within the Express Entry pool is one of the factors that may have an impact on the CRS score cut-offs of upcoming draws CRS scores within the pool may help IRCC decide both what the next appropriate cut-off score is for qualified candidates, and how large each draw should be. While there may be other factors in the decision-making process here (for example, labor market needs or special immigration policy), CRS distribution within the pool may prove to be a contributing factor even in these instances, as it is a key indication of how well-adapted immigration candidates are within the pool. 💛Category-based draws also impact this distribution In addition to standard, CRS score-based draws,(IRCC) conducts category-based draws for Express Entry candidates These draws specifically target individuals with certain professional experience, or language ability (instead of CRS scores), to meet labor market and demographic needs in Canada. While these draws look beyond CRS scores, they still impact the distribution of scores in the Express Entry pool when they invite candidates. Thus, paying attention to these draws in analysis may prove useful. #EE #expressentry (C) CIC
Ви там були сьогодні? Звідки інформація? але в будь якому випадку дякую)
Чи можу написати Вам в особисті? Бо на сайті є ще нотаріус в Україні - мені це зараз навіть зручніше зробити.
Доброго дня. Скажіть, будь ласка, хтось перекладав в Україні у Fidem Moris? Чи є відгуки?
Ніде нема живої черги на виготовлення
Звісно, пишіть)
Привіт,можете скинути посилання по яких вчили тести?
Доброго дня, я при подачі своєї заявки на федеральний рівень НЕ оплатила 500 долл (ті, що RPRF - right of permanent residence fee). Зараз, після здачі біо і медицини, прийшов дозапит на сплату цієї суми. От сиджу і думаю, цю оплату запитують при початку розгляду заявки, чи вже у кінці? Бо логічно розумію, що мою заявку лише почали розглядати, але Гугл каже, що коли заявка вже одобрена (скрін прикріпила). Може комусь теж приходив дозапит на сплату і можете поділитись як у вас було? Чи просто володієте інфо, що це значить (на якому етапі розгляду є зараз заявка ) Дякую дуже!)
Треба зробити відповідь (replay) на лист що прийшов головному аплаканту з інформацією про головного аплікантів та всіх депендантів в одній відповіді.