@OstapBosak підкажіть плз по ситуацією зі зміною роботи по АОС. Дякую
Можливо і може, але вони відмінили всі слоти які були на чоловіків
🤯 я цього не розумію… на офіційному сайті МЗС написано, що батько може подати документи на закордонний паспорт дитині в цей період - це виключення. Чому в Едмонтоні свої правила?!… 😠 спробуємо їм завтра додзвонитися 🤞🏼🤞🏼
🇨🇦‼️🔴FRENCH will lead EE in 2024🇨🇦‼️🔴 French language proficiency will dominate category-based selection Express Entry draws in 2024 according to a recent Access to Information Request (ATIP). 🔴 The ATIP shows that throughout draws in 2024, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada will issue 78.5% of all Invitations to Apply(ITAs) to Express Entry candidates in category-based selection draws. The remaining 21.5% of ITAs will be issued in general draws. 🔴 Candidates eligible for selection through the French proficiency category will receive 30% of these with STEM occupations making up the next highest at 25% and healthcare at 15%. 🔴The percentages of ITAs by category break down as follows: Round type Category Target - French proficiency 30% - Healthcare occupations 15% - STEM occupations 25% - Trade occupations 5% - Transport occupations 3% - Agriculture and agri-food occupations 0.5% #ee #expressentry #categorybased #predictions #EEtrends
🇨🇦‼️🔴FRENCH will lead EE in 2024🇨🇦‼️🔴 French language proficiency will dominate category-based selection Express Entry draws in 2024 according to a recent Access to Information Request (ATIP). 🔴 The ATIP shows that throughout draws in 2024, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada will issue 78.5% of all Invitations to Apply(ITAs) to Express Entry candidates in category-based selection draws. The remaining 21.5% of ITAs will be issued in general draws. 🔴 Candidates eligible for selection through the French proficiency category will receive 30% of these with STEM occupations making up the next highest at 25% and healthcare at 15%. 🔴The percentages of ITAs by category break down as follows: Round type Category Target - French proficiency 30% - Healthcare occupations 15% - STEM occupations 25% - Trade occupations 5% - Transport occupations 3% - Agriculture and agri-food occupations 0.5% #ee #expressentry #categorybased #predictions #EEtrends
🇨🇦‼️🔴FRENCH will lead EE in 2024🇨🇦‼️🔴 French language proficiency will dominate category-based selection Express Entry draws in 2024 according to a recent Access to Information Request (ATIP). 🔴 The ATIP shows that throughout draws in 2024, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada will issue 78.5% of all Invitations to Apply(ITAs) to Express Entry candidates in category-based selection draws. The remaining 21.5% of ITAs will be issued in general draws. 🔴 Candidates eligible for selection through the French proficiency category will receive 30% of these with STEM occupations making up the next highest at 25% and healthcare at 15%. 🔴The percentages of ITAs by category break down as follows: Round type Category Target - French proficiency 30% - Healthcare occupations 15% - STEM occupations 25% - Trade occupations 5% - Transport occupations 3% - Agriculture and agri-food occupations 0.5% #ee #expressentry #categorybased #predictions #EEtrends
🇨🇦‼️🔴FRENCH will lead EE in 2024🇨🇦‼️🔴 French language proficiency will dominate category-based selection Express Entry draws in 2024 according to a recent Access to Information Request (ATIP). 🔴 The ATIP shows that throughout draws in 2024, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada will issue 78.5% of all Invitations to Apply(ITAs) to Express Entry candidates in category-based selection draws. The remaining 21.5% of ITAs will be issued in general draws. 🔴 Candidates eligible for selection through the French proficiency category will receive 30% of these with STEM occupations making up the next highest at 25% and healthcare at 15%. 🔴The percentages of ITAs by category break down as follows: Round type Category Target - French proficiency 30% - Healthcare occupations 15% - STEM occupations 25% - Trade occupations 5% - Transport occupations 3% - Agriculture and agri-food occupations 0.5% #ee #expressentry #categorybased #predictions #EEtrends
🇨🇦‼️🔴FRENCH will lead EE in 2024🇨🇦‼️🔴 French language proficiency will dominate category-based selection Express Entry draws in 2024 according to a recent Access to Information Request (ATIP). 🔴 The ATIP shows that throughout draws in 2024, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada will issue 78.5% of all Invitations to Apply(ITAs) to Express Entry candidates in category-based selection draws. The remaining 21.5% of ITAs will be issued in general draws. 🔴 Candidates eligible for selection through the French proficiency category will receive 30% of these with STEM occupations making up the next highest at 25% and healthcare at 15%. 🔴The percentages of ITAs by category break down as follows: Round type Category Target - French proficiency 30% - Healthcare occupations 15% - STEM occupations 25% - Trade occupations 5% - Transport occupations 3% - Agriculture and agri-food occupations 0.5% #ee #expressentry #categorybased #predictions #EEtrends
Может я смогу его подать по новой программе,у меня есть PR И может они все же могу дать ему остаться,если он в прифронтовой опасной зоне 🤪
Доброго дня, хто зараз у Ванкувері має роботу?
Для ІТ це не актуально
Ви вже отримали продовження Ворк перміту?
доброго дня, підкажіть будь ласка перекладача у місті Калгарі Альберта, що б можно було забрати оригінали особисто, завчасно дякую ☺️
не свіжу, а з 2023 потрібно щоб біометрія була здана безпосередньо в Канаді
Самому можно
Перша подача, повернення 3тис
у мене серед знайомих всі без виключення отримали доречі, там десь 10 сімей, всім на 3 роки ще, і у всіх були перед цим теж на повні 3 роки.
Супер, сподіваюсь і в нас так буде 🤞
Добрий вечір, мій дозвіл на роботу WP и визу закінчується через 5 місяців. Чи можу я його продовжити ще на 3 роки пiд CUAET
12 Jan 2024, 17:45
3 minutes ago