Потом вот такое, Good day , Thank you for contacting Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). We acknowledge receipt of the documents. Please note, for technical reasons, they may not be visible in your online account. Rest assured that your supporting documents are indeed added and available for officer review. • If your enquiry was solely to provide documents, please note this is the only response you will receive. • If your enquiry included additional questions in addition to the documents, they will be addressed separately, as soon as possible. While your application is being processed, we recommend consulting the Check your application status.
Тоді подай програму напишіть. ЕЕ має різні стріми. Ще є хронологія в розділі голосування
А мне пришло 3 ответа, я посылала на веб форм, подтверждение об оплате права на пр. Так первое сообщение пришло сразу же Dear client, Thank you for contacting Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). We confirm the receipt of your IRCC Web Form via this automated response. We are committed to respond to your inquiry as soon as possible. It is not necessary to send us another message, unless your situation has changed.
И последнее от агента Sabrina #4804 Good day, Thank you for contacting Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). We are pleased to confirm that the payment has been added to your file. If further information is needed during the processing of your application, the responsible office may contact you.
Все чітко написано на сайті Консульства.
З провінцією, без провінції, inland, Outland? Так зможете знайти ось тут трекери:
Доброго дня. Якщо в кабінеті вже 2 дні "nomination approved", але ніяких повідомлень на пошту не приходило, варто самій звернутися? Чи просто чекати листа?
Згодна, я чекала з грудня 23. Нарешті спіймала слот для дитини
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