На федеральному Провінційну ми обирали AoS
Free Employment Insurance (EI) Benefits Estimator The Canada Revenue Agency recently introduced a free Employment Insurance (EI) Benefits Estimator tool to help individuals determine which type of EI benefit might be most suitable for their situation, whether current or anticipated. By answering a few questions at, you can receive an estimate of your potential weekly benefit rate and the duration of benefits you might qualify for. After completing the estimation, the tool will guide you through the next steps, including details on when and where to apply if you're ready to proceed.
online course “Steps to Starting a Business in BC” for participants of the Welcome Exchange Program Through our partnership with Small Business BC, we are glad to offer complimentary access to the SBBC online course "Steps to Starting a Business in BC," valued at $29+GST. Over the course of 60 minutes, you'll gain insights into assessing the viability of your business idea, the importance of crafting a solid business plan, and the essential steps for registering your business in British Columbia. Please be aware that while the course offers valuable knowledge and materials, it does not include a certificate of completion. If you're interested in taking advantage of this free access opportunity, please fill out the form at the following link Please note that the number of coupons providing free access to the course is limited, so they will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.
online course “Steps to Starting a Business in BC” for participants of the Welcome Exchange Program Through our partnership with Small Business BC, we are glad to offer complimentary access to the SBBC online course "Steps to Starting a Business in BC," valued at $29+GST. Over the course of 60 minutes, you'll gain insights into assessing the viability of your business idea, the importance of crafting a solid business plan, and the essential steps for registering your business in British Columbia. Please be aware that while the course offers valuable knowledge and materials, it does not include a certificate of completion. If you're interested in taking advantage of this free access opportunity, please fill out the form at the following link Please note that the number of coupons providing free access to the course is limited, so they will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.
Доброго дня всім! Мій шлях по пошуку слотів: Зареєстрував поштови скриньки на UKR, Yahoo, Outlook, Hotmail, Gmail був але з ним торба. Були спроби надсилання коду на всі скриньки, через 30 хв та мождиво 50 тапів, надійшов в СПАМ на outlook код.
Як авторизуватись взагалі? Мені не приходить підтвердження-пароль на пошту😭
317 Що це за програми ?
я чув що треба робити якщо паспорту меньше 2х місяців, або якщо вже просрочився
Якісь поради як отримати той код? Вчора 2 години сиділа нажимала більше ста разів і так і код не прийшов, сьогодні також пробую і ніяк (вже мабуть нажала разів 50 щоб відправили код). Дякую!
Так прислали pdf з номінацією, документів ніяких не питали, тільки підтвердили у менеджера що я надалі працюю у них
Шукаю сертифікованого перекладача з української на французьку в Квебеці