На компі відкрити е консул. Відсканувати кюаркод телефоном через дію і авторизуватися
- Від консула в Едмонтоні є тільки ця інфа, що вони можуть робити в самому консульстві.
Все рівно велике дякую за відповідь. Гарного дня !
На сайті Торонто є інфа що потрібно стати на облік в Україні, хто не може там той мусить онлайн це зробити через консульство з заявою, але це потрібно було зробити до якогось там червня чи липня, неділю тому відправив заяву, подивлюсь чи допоможе.
Не можу знайти цього нажаль. Якщо хочете можете запитати на місці, вже після подачі про це, тоді будете мати інфо з перших вуст)
- Медицину повторно проходили, был отдельный запрос. - Манитоба. - В аппликации просто указали что последние 10 лет на пенсии, больше ничего не указывали, до запросов от офицера не было на счет работы до выхода на пенсию.
З компʼютера або планшета
Free Starting a Business Info Session | Part 1: How to Write a Business Plan (from WeBC) November 27 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm PT You will learn about: How to structure your business plan and where you can go for industry-specific samples What to include in each section and how to think through them How each part of your business plan works together to create a roadmap for your business. To find more and register, please visit
Натисніть на синю кнопку . Відкриється дія. Пройдете всі фази в дії, коли напише підтверджено, поверніться у браузер.
Free Building Builders Construction Mentorship Program from the BC Construction Association (BCCA) This 6-month mentorship initiative supports individuals interested in building a rewarding career in the construction industry. It connects participants with experienced leaders who provide career advice, guidance, and industry insights. The program also offers incredible benefits, including: Free certified Construction Health and Safety Training (SiteReadyBC) Financial support for professional Learning and Development courses, tools, PPE Free Builders Code Training (self-directed and group training available) If available, work experience opportunities up to 160 hours Wage subsidy available to companies for 50%-70% of hours worked Transportation Support to meet your Mentor in person or to participate in a work experience To qualify for this opportunity, applicants (mentees) must be 18 years or older, reside in British Columbia, and be legally entitled to work in Canada. They must be interested in or currently working in a construction trade apprenticeship and willing to dedicate one hour per month for six months to connect with their mentor. Applicants should also have a government-issued photo ID, be able to attest to passing a vulnerable sector check, and be eager to expand their professional network while developing personally and professionally. For more details about the mentorship program, visit Building Builders. If you’re ready to apply as a Mentor or Mentee, submit your application through this online portal.
Free Building Builders Construction Mentorship Program from the BC Construction Association (BCCA) This 6-month mentorship initiative supports individuals interested in building a rewarding career in the construction industry. It connects participants with experienced leaders who provide career advice, guidance, and industry insights. The program also offers incredible benefits, including: Free certified Construction Health and Safety Training (SiteReadyBC) Financial support for professional Learning and Development courses, tools, PPE Free Builders Code Training (self-directed and group training available) If available, work experience opportunities up to 160 hours Wage subsidy available to companies for 50%-70% of hours worked Transportation Support to meet your Mentor in person or to participate in a work experience To qualify for this opportunity, applicants (mentees) must be 18 years or older, reside in British Columbia, and be legally entitled to work in Canada. They must be interested in or currently working in a construction trade apprenticeship and willing to dedicate one hour per month for six months to connect with their mentor. Applicants should also have a government-issued photo ID, be able to attest to passing a vulnerable sector check, and be eager to expand their professional network while developing personally and professionally. For more details about the mentorship program, visit Building Builders. If you’re ready to apply as a Mentor or Mentee, submit your application through this online portal.
Free Building Builders Construction Mentorship Program from the BC Construction Association (BCCA) This 6-month mentorship initiative supports individuals interested in building a rewarding career in the construction industry. It connects participants with experienced leaders who provide career advice, guidance, and industry insights. The program also offers incredible benefits, including: Free certified Construction Health and Safety Training (SiteReadyBC) Financial support for professional Learning and Development courses, tools, PPE Free Builders Code Training (self-directed and group training available) If available, work experience opportunities up to 160 hours Wage subsidy available to companies for 50%-70% of hours worked Transportation Support to meet your Mentor in person or to participate in a work experience To qualify for this opportunity, applicants (mentees) must be 18 years or older, reside in British Columbia, and be legally entitled to work in Canada. They must be interested in or currently working in a construction trade apprenticeship and willing to dedicate one hour per month for six months to connect with their mentor. Applicants should also have a government-issued photo ID, be able to attest to passing a vulnerable sector check, and be eager to expand their professional network while developing personally and professionally. For more details about the mentorship program, visit Building Builders. If you’re ready to apply as a Mentor or Mentee, submit your application through this online portal.
Коли дивитись нові слоти на травень то треба сторінку оновлювати?чи воно само оновлює коли ця бігає стрічка шукає слоти типа вільні
Понятно- он изначально сформулировал вопрос не совсем правильно. Я так поняла, что когда он будет уже ехать заказывать - в посольство или в консульство
Хотя очень хотелось бы, мне даже страшно представить какие у них сроки будут. Если до сих пор нет ни одного человека не то что с пр, хотя бы с portal 1
Дякую,зайшло,продивилась до травня,вільних слотів немає,це нормально чи я щось не так дивлюся,коли їх краще передивитися?
WE Info Session: Disability Tax Credit (Податковий кредит по втраті працездатності / інвалідності) * When: Tuesday, December 17, 2024 Time: 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM PT Where: online via Zoom Language: English with Ukrainian interpretation, if needed Speaker: Lance Vaillancourt, Canada Revenue Agency Register at
WE Info Session: Disability Tax Credit (Податковий кредит по втраті працездатності / інвалідності) * When: Tuesday, December 17, 2024 Time: 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM PT Where: online via Zoom Language: English with Ukrainian interpretation, if needed Speaker: Lance Vaillancourt, Canada Revenue Agency Register at
Если вы о Квебеке то думаю вряд ли.
12 Jan 2024, 17:45
less than a minute ago