Hello! My name is Olha. I'm studying UX/UI design and I'm currently working on a medical app. Please take this short anonymous survey that will take 7 minutes of your time. Your сontribution will be incredibly valuable! Your data will not be used and it's only needed to better understand the researcher.
Hello! My name is Olha. I'm studying UX/UI design and I'm currently working on a medical app. Please take this short anonymous survey that will take 7 minutes of your time. Your сontribution will be incredibly valuable! Your data will not be used and it's only needed to better understand the researcher.
Hello! My name is Olha. I'm studying UX/UI design and I'm currently working on a medical app. Please take this short anonymous survey that will take 7 minutes of your time. Your сontribution will be incredibly valuable! Your data will not be used and it's only needed to better understand the researcher.
Hello! My name is Olha. I'm studying UX/UI design and I'm currently working on a medical app. Please take this short anonymous survey that will take 7 minutes of your time. Your сontribution will be incredibly valuable! Your data will not be used and it's only needed to better understand the researcher.
Hello! My name is Olha. I'm studying UX/UI design and I'm currently working on a medical app. Please take this short anonymous survey that will take 7 minutes of your time. Your сontribution will be incredibly valuable! Your data will not be used and it's only needed to better understand the researcher.
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Професія підходить. Там навіть є два NOC на сайті. Він починав як звичайний кухар і дійшов до позиції шеф. Шеф по суті і є кухар теж)) Просто, якщо він в Канаді піде на позицію звичайного кухаря (на нищу позицію), а остання робота була шеф-кухарем, то чи зарахують? Але NOC на сайті розділені: звичайний кухар і шеф-кухар. Виходить, що якщо піде на звичайного, то як подаватись тоді?
Якщо не будете покидати зону транзиту то можна летіти
Підкажіть а що таке Портал 1 та Портал 2 ?