Yuri M
Українці у Ванкувері -
Українці у ВанкуверіStatus: paused until January 2027 We stopped accepting applications for this program on April 30, 2024. -
Ukrainian VancouverGoogle VCBE locations -
Ukrainian VancouverВкладу or not вкладу.. That is the question.. -
Ukrainian VancouverScam -
Українці у Ванкувері4000 це практично даром. Якщо купувати то треба мати 200,000 + ще платити 800 в місяц за страту + utilities etc… -
Українці у ВанкуверіCIBC www.cibc.com/en/journeys/new-to-canada/support-ukraine.html -
Українці у Ванкуверіadvisor.cibc.com/financial/advisors?addr=Canada&lang=Ukrainian -
Українці у ВанкуверіТоронто! -
Ukrainian Speaking IT CommunityYou don't have to register as a Sole Proprietor.. usually you need to be a Corporation to satisfy some contracts. -
Ukrainian Speaking IT CommunityThe only reason you need a corporation IF and only IF your contract/recruiter requested this. -
Ukrainian Speaking IT CommunityUsually you don't get any benefits unless you are earning 200k+ per year.. cost of maintenance of the corporation is about 2000 per year -
Ukrainian Speaking IT CommunityMy experience is 15 years of contracting in BC as a Corporation. Again, in my case, it was a requirement from Recruitment companies. The reason is that they don't want you to be treated as an employee... This is the only reason.. -
Ukrainian Speaking IT CommunityPhoto from Yuri Maksymenko -
Ukrainian Speaking IT CommunityThere is one contract available... 3 positions... AWS experience is a must... GOVERNMENT CLBC (Community Living of British Columbia) -
Ukrainian Speaking IT CommunityRemote is possible but must be a BC resident -
Ukrainian Speaking IT Communitywww.linkedin.com/in/yuri-maksymenko-317828b -
Українці у Ванкуверіwww.facebook.com/groups/334148545356287/permalink/530720849032388/?mibextid=Nif5oz -
Українці у ВанкуверіДо 13:00 підходьте до банківсько філіалу і просіть мєнєджера дать вам курс кращий за VCBE. Вони це можут дуже легко зробити але треба розмовляти. RBC = 1.356 vs VCBE = 1.352