Вот такого не было. Пришел следующий текст. Это и есть подтверждение на биометрию, правильно?:
Dear Customer!
Thank you for contacting Canada Visa Application Centre. Your request has been proceeded.
You have scheduled an appointment registration for biometric enrollment at the Canada Visa Application Centre (CVAC) in Kyiv located at new address BC Illinsky, 8 Illinska str. on........
Address of the Canada Visa Application Centre in Kyiv: BC Illinsky, 8 Illinska Str.
Please provide the following documents at the Visa Application Centre for biometric enrollment:
• Passport for travelling abroad in original
• Consent form signed and filled in by the applicant in printing (the template form are attached)
• Printed biometric instruction letter received from IRCC portal
• Printed confirmation of appointment registration to the Visa Application Centre
Best regards,