Hello! My name is Drew. My wife and I have been attending St. Basil's Ukranian Catholic Church. I'm an English tutor. It's nice to meet you all. Привіт! Мене звуть Дрю. Ми з дружиною відвідуємо українську католицьку церкву св. Василія. Я репетитор англійської мови. Приємно познайомитися з вами всіма.

Drew Eldridge
Winnipeg for Ukrainians - chat -
Winnipeg for Ukrainians - chatHi, thanks for asking! I teach English online over Zoom to children, teens and adults for $25/hour. Partners and groups can split the cost. I have over ten years of experience and am available at lots of different times. The best way to get a hold of me is through email: [email protected]