Part time job available for individuals currently here in Canada 🇨🇦 🍁
1/2hours shift available!!…
No experience required (all training will be provided)
Also Night Shifts Available!!…
You must be above 18📌
Send a direct message to apply ✅
Lady Clara
UU Calgary - Українці в Калгарі 🇺🇦🇨🇦 -
UU Calgary - Українці в Калгарі 🇺🇦🇨🇦Part time job available for individuals currently here in Canada 🇨🇦 🍁 1/2hours shift available!!… No experience required (all training will be provided) Also Night Shifts Available!!… You must be above 18📌 Send a direct message to apply ✅ -
UU Calgary - Українці в Калгарі 🇺🇦🇨🇦Part time job available for individuals currently here in Canada 🇨🇦 🍁 1/2hours shift available!!… No experience required (all training will be provided) Also Night Shifts Available!!… You must be above 18📌 Send a direct message to apply ✅ -
UU Calgary - Українці в Калгарі 🇺🇦🇨🇦Part time job available for individuals currently here in Canada 🇨🇦 🍁 1/2hours shift available!!… No experience required (all training will be provided) Also Night Shifts Available!!… You must be above 18📌 Send a direct message to apply ✅ -
UU Calgary - Українці в Калгарі 🇺🇦🇨🇦Part time job available for individuals currently here in Canada 🇨🇦 🍁 1/2hours shift available!!… No experience required (all training will be provided) Also Night Shifts Available!!… You must be above 18📌 Send a direct message to apply ✅ -
UU Calgary - Українці в Калгарі 🇺🇦🇨🇦Part time job available for individuals currently here in Canada 🇨🇦 🍁 1/2hours shift available!!… No experience required (all training will be provided) Also Night Shifts Available!!… You must be above 18📌 Send a direct message to apply ✅ -
Торонто чатик 🇨🇦 | CHATIKPart time job available for individuals currently here in Canada 🇨🇦 🍁 1/2hours shift available!!… No experience required (all training will be provided) Also Night Shifts Available!!… You must be above 18📌 Send a direct message to apply ✅ -
UA to Calgary🇨🇦WE NEED STAFF URGENTLY !!! Vacancy announcement: 3Available position - 3people. I am looking for someone who can do part time 2-3 hour per day. No experience required (all training will be provided) Age* must be above 18 or older. Both male and female can apply If you are interested to Apply for job Send me a direct message -
UA to Calgary🇨🇦WE NEED STAFF URGENTLY !!! Vacancy announcement: 4Available position - 4 people. I am looking for someone who can do part time 2-3 hour per day. No experience required (all training will be provided) Age* must be above 18 or older. Both male and female can apply If you are interested to Apply for job Send me a direct message -
UA to Calgary🇨🇦WE NEED STAFF URGENTLY !!! Vacancy announcement: 4Available position - 4 people. I am looking for someone who can do part time 2-3 hour per day. No experience required (all training will be provided) Age* must be above 18 or older. Both male and female can apply If you are interested to Apply for job Send me a direct message -
UA to Calgary🇨🇦WE NEED STAFF URGENTLY !!! Vacancy announcement: 4Available position - 4 people. I am looking for someone who can do part time 2-3 hour per day. No experience required (all training will be provided) Age* must be above 18 or older. Both male and female can apply If you are interested to Apply for job Send me a direct message -
UA to Calgary🇨🇦ВАКАНСІЯ!! ВАКАНСІЯ !!! РОБОТА З ДОМУ У нас є робота вранці та вдень ОПЛАТА: 35 доларів на годину Надстроковий час: 55 доларів США за годину Будні дні: $250/день - Повний робочий день: /$1450 на тиждень $1250 - Неповний робочий день / тиждень Щоденна оплата під -
Ванкувер чатик 🇨🇦 | CHATIKВАКАНСИЯ!! ВАКАНСИЯ!!! РАБОТА ИЗ ДОМА У нас есть работа утром и днем. СТАВКА ОПЛАТЫ: 35 долларов в час. Сверхурочное время: 55 долларов в час. Будние дни: 250 долларов США/день. -Полный рабочий день: $1450/неделя. -Неполный рабочий день $1250/неделя Оплата ежедневная во время обучения. подать заявку могут как мужчины, так и женщины ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ 🗒️: - ДЛЯ ПОДАЧИ ЗАЯВКИ ДОЛЖНЫ БЫТЬ ТОЛЬКО КАНАДЦЫ, ВЫ ДОЛЖНЫ БЫТЬ В КАНАДЕ 🍁 @каждый