✅ Продам
Chevrolet sonic 2017
Fresh safety and clean title
Works perfectly
Milage 272.000km
Price 5600$
In Winnipeg.

Dr.Abdullah mazin
Українська Манітоба -
Вінніпег для українців Канада✅ Продам Chevrolet sonic 2017 Fresh safety and clean title Works perfectly Milage 272.000km Price 5600$ In Winnipeg -
Українська МанітобаToday there is an important webinar at 12:00-1:00 p.m for Internationally trained doctors. organized by by The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba and Manitoba start. The registration link cpsm.mb.ca/events/webinar-registering-for-practice-for-internationally-trained-medical-graduates -
Winnipeg for Ukrainians - chatв FreshGo сьогодні -
Winnipeg for Ukrainians - chatЛучше до вылета если есть возможности я так сделал и сразу мне давали воркпирмет без ограничения -
Winnipeg for Ukrainians - chatHello Everyone If there is any Doctor or health professional from Ukraine I can give some advices and recommendations, what to do and from where to start I am Doctor from Kharkiv recently arrived in Winnipeg and soon I will be working in Boniface hospital