Canada is about to get much worse in terms of cost of living, inflation, we are heading into a recession it’s worse than its ever been here

Forty Oz of Freedom
🇨🇦🇺🇦Украинцы в Канаде CUAET Чат🇺🇦🇨🇦 -
🇨🇦🇺🇦Украинцы в Канаде CUAET Чат🇺🇦🇨🇦And the pr program if Canadians are already here but husbands remain in Ukraine , their husbands can join right ? -
UA to Canada CUAET🚌 Residents of the de-occupied Kherson region can evacuate to safer regions of the country free of charge OVA reported that daily buses depart from Kherson to Odesa via Mykolaiv. To register for a flight, you must: ▪️ call the call center at +380931776458; ▪️send a request to the Telegram help bot "Helping to Leave" @helpingtoleave_bot . After registration, you will receive a confirmation message with the departure time and bus number. This means that a seat on the flight has been reserved for you. Also in the OVA they added that for needs, passengers with reduced mobility are driven to the collection point. The "Helping to Leave" organization helps with the organization of evacuation. anyone verify? -
UA to Canada CUAETIf you’re currently in Ukraine and have children, And are unable to complete or book biometrics in Lviv - please let me know, we are trying to get domestic biometrics removed for applicants -
UA to Canada
UA to Canada