If you write about free market, democracy, protection of customer rights, etc. it looks like you doesn't know much about life in Canada or live elsewhere. The market is highly monopolized especially in some provinces (for example, sales of electricity and gas, insurance market). Variety of goods is very limited (look at Costco). The democracy is only the word here. Many things are overregulated without due reason, but some are left without control causing tremendous issues like we have now with real estate. In most cases the government keeps the people on the edge of poverty, making them ineligible for support unless they use their last dollar. Financial assistance is out dated and does not cover the cost of living (the most importantly - where the rent is already $3000+ low income assistance still suggests you should rent the place for $700, which is ridiculous). And this makes this country very close to Ukraine. The majority of approaches are illiterately copied from the states, and cause only losses for people being improperly implemented/updated (for instance, tax legislation). This list is endless and I'm not talking about poverty itself, overpriced everything (even compared with the states). Canada has a number of benefits comparatively with Ukraine, but it is not above mentioned...