Тогда ещё добавлю копипасты (может я и постил этот текст ранее, но не могу найти)
... none of the Ukrainians I have met have become a burden on the community. Virtually all of them have quickly found work and are living independently. Canadians are generally very warm and friendly to Ukrainians since their history in Canada is well-known and celebrated.
The jobs for evacuees in Canada are not always great, but we have tried to connect them with the highest possible positions that match their qualifications. The most legitimate website is: www.jobbank.gc.ca/findajob/resources/jobsforukraine from the Government of Canada. However, there are a number of other websites initiated by private companies and/or individuals that also exist. ... It is more than alright to arrive in Canada without any offer for a job. One of the first things we do at the Welcome Centre is connect new arrivals with the Ukrainian Canadian community, who will do all they can to help them find work. There is never the assumption that Ukrainians are looking for a "free lunch" so to speak. One of the strongest cultural norms to survive among Ukrainian-Canadians has been the need for self-reliance, and this is understood implicitly.