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A "first-time home buyer" for the purpose of opening an FHSA is different than a "first-time home buyer" for the purpose of making a qualifying withdrawal.
For purposes of opening an FHSA
You will be considered to be a first-time home buyer if you did not, at any time in the current calendar year before the account is opened or at any time in the preceding four calendar years, live in a qualifying home (or what would be a qualifying home if located in Canada) as your principal place of residence that either:
you owned or jointly owned
your spouse or common-law partner (at the time the account is opened) owned or jointly owned
For purposes of a qualifying withdrawal
You will be considered to be a first-time home buyer if you did not, at any time in the current calendar year before the withdrawal (except the 30 days immediately before the withdrawal) or at any time in the preceding four calendar years, live in a qualifying home (or what would be a qualifying home if located in Canada) as your principal place of residence that you owned or jointly owned.