Українська Манітоба
Amendments to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba (CPSM) General Regulation remove the requirement for internationally educated physicians in specific membership classes to pass the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Exam Part 1 (MCCQE1) before registering and practising in Manitoba. Internationally educated physicians who apply for provisional registration in Manitoba already have medical degrees and have completed residency programs with certifying exams, while the MCCQE1 only assesses the medical knowledge and clinical decision-making ability of candidates at a level expected of a medical student.
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Так,вельми вдячний❤️🔥
Супер новина. Тепер би ще до середнього медперсоналу діло дійшло
Доброго вечора. Чи є тут донори крові? Поділіться інформацією, як і де тут можна здати кров.
Привіт, можливо хтось буде летіти найближчим часом з Вінніпегу до Варшави, відгукніться будь ласка))
Yet, this country does extremely well in production and consumption of goods and services, which in-turn, and despite heavy criticism by some, contributes heavily to our stable economy - (that we all benefit from) :)