Gc key вообще ни разу не обновлялся за все это время, поэтому единственный шанс узнать что вообще происходит, так это заказать ноутсы.
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Express Entry does not require a specific education certification for work experience to be valid. Some regulated education jobs in Canada (e.g., teachers, early childhood educators) require provincial certification. ❗️But this is only required to work in Canada, not for Express Entry eligibility. If she has legal work experience within Teer 0-3 and was /is on a payroll - it should be valid for EE. You may try it yourself: - Identify her NOC code based on her work experience. - Ensure her work experience aligns with Express Entry requirements. - Submit a complete Express Entry profile based on her highest-scoring occupation and see if the system is “okay” with data provided
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Здравствуйте, подскажите возврат налога может прийти только на твой счёт?
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